Thursday, December 17, 2009

Random Obsession of the Day: Amy Adams

This is more like a completely rational obsession of the last few years, but either way Amy Adams is an amazing actress that I defy you not to have a crush on regardless of sex or sexual orientation.

I first heard about her in Junebug. Everyone was talking about her performance. And, indeed, it was illuminating. She owned that movie, simple as that. I have forgotten all else but the basic plot, yet I can still picture her character vividly.

After this, she next came up in The Office, and even while perfectly playing a character with a very unattractive personality, I took notice. She also offered a hilarious performance in Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby soon after this.

Then, Enchanted came and the line between silly celebrity crush and creepy celebrity crush got a little blurry. Even when playing a Disney Princess, a character completely lacking an understanding of the world she was thrust into, it was hard not to fall in love a little. Again, she made this movie. It is probably my single favorite performance of hers thus far. Her commitment to the role sold the entire premise. Next time you watch it, just watch what she does with her hands the entire time. It is adorable and such a great addition to the character.

By this point I was completely hooked, and when I looked at her IMDB page, I realized she had a ton of old TV credits including Buffy the Vampire Slayer and also a small role in Catch Me If You Can. I also then decided I would watch pretty much anything else she was in at some point or another.

I saw Sunshine Cleaning this year, and while not my favorite movie, I still completely fell in love with her in the film. Today I watched Julie and Julia, and even while Meryl Streep is owning the Julia Child role, I was still more drawn to Adams' Julie. I will watch Doubt soon to see if she can continue to hold her own against such an acclaimed actress.

Hopefully, she will continue to be awesome and eventually tackle some roles with some more weight, but for now I will still follow her just about anywhere. Her ability to play such a variety of characters exactly as they need to be portrayed is inspiring. The sincerity of emotion she puts into each role comes through clearly. And she is just too cute. Those expressive not quite doe eyes and something about her smile just work for me every single time. It is that perfect cross section of talent and attractiveness. If you haven't been paying attention, you should probably start.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog dude. Amy Adams is really great. I admit that she is currently my biggest celebrity crush.

    There was a magazine with her on the cover at work and I admitted it to everyone.
